Use a decentralized search engine

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Alternatives to big tech search results

More than 75% of searches on the internet are performed through Google. This generates a trillion-dollar stream of advertisements to one company and its affiliates. It also influences consumers’ perception and basically acts as a gatekeeper for the worldwide web. But there are alternatives aiming to provide less controlled search results. Presearch is a decentralized search engine that assists you to access less big tech based information on the net.

Active participation through a decentralized search engine

In some way, you could compare Presearch to Wikipedia, as it also tries to supply search results based upon the community making use of it. While Google algorithms remain highly secret, the goal of this decentralized search engine is to let the best content rank through the active participation of its members. This results in a far more open and transparent ranking process.

Presearch decentralized search engine

Choose the web resources to search the internet

The good thing about this decentralized search engine is that you can perform your web searches the way you want. Presearch lets you choose which search resources you like to use to browse the web. Allowing you to search on specific platforms means that you will not get filtered results by a dominant search engine.

Presearch works like other search engines but with options

Using Presearch works like any other search engine. But as mentioned, you specify where to search. Let`s say you are looking for a recent news article; you can select to search on BBC, CNN, or any of the other available news sites links. Or you can specify which of the available search engine links you would like to use. And in case you would like to perform a random search, you can click the Presearch link itself.

decentralized search engines

Single point of control versus decentralized search engine lookups

A decentralized search engine has no single point of control. As such, it is community-driven. While a centralized search engine keeps the data you are searching for on its servers and utilizes these for marketing, a decentralized search engine functions differently. It keeps no record of your searches and encrypts data on the blockchain. As such, users own their search data. This data can only be shared if a user decides to share the private keys with a company. More info on the difference between these 2 types of search engines can be found in this article.

Earn tokens for every search

Presearch rewards its community members for their usage and promotion of their decentralized search engine. Every time you use Presearch to look up something on the internet, you earn PRE tokens which at a later stage can be withdrawn in an ECR20 Ethereum wallet. Per search, you will earn up to 0,25 PRE tokens, which is limited to a maximum of 8 coins per day. Once you have 1000 tokens, you can withdraw them to your wallet.

Registering at Presearch is free

While you can use the Presearch decentralized search engine without registering, to customize your search settings and to start earning tokens, you will need to sign up. This is a free service. Presearch collects your email, your password and registers your IP address. From a privacy point of view, this is somewhat concerning. To process your pay-outs, you need to supply a crypto wallet, but this is not required at the initial registering stage.

Try Presearch Now

Targeted searches on several platforms as the main quality

In case you want to make money online, there are easier ways to establish that. Presearch` cap on 1000 coins and the whole procedure of withdrawing is rather complicated. This decentralized search engine’s quality lies in providing you with reliable targeted searches on several platforms. At the same time, it provides good search results while preserving your online privacy. And as it is blockchain-based, your search data is resistant to censorship by big tech companies and governments.

Basic privacy improvement