A secure cloud storage solution

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Nextcloud is a secure cloud storage platform offering file sharing and a collaboration suite

You should consider Nextcloud if you want more control over storing your data. This open-source platform offers secure cloud storage with file management and a collaborative productivity suite. You can either choose to self-host or apply for a subscription with a trusted secure cloud storage provider. It is perfect for individuals and small businesses who need to keep their files stored centrally but do not have the time or resources to set up their own server. Plus, Nextcloud gives an excellent user experience, so you can trust that your data is safe and secure.

Nextcloud Files management

Easy file management of your cloud data

The Nextcloud platform allows users to access files from any device or computer. This is done through a sync app. A desktop client can be installed for computers to set up local folder syncing. On a mobile device, there will be a link to the folders and files to access your data in the cloud. Automatic downloading would make data transfer excessive, and the storage space on your smartphone would become insufficient quite quickly. Alternatively, you can easily use the Nextcloud Portal to manage all your files stored on your secure cloud storage system.

Nextcloud secure cloud storage client sync

Secure cloud storage with productivity tools

In addition to its file sharing features, Nextcloud also incorporates a productivity suite that makes it an ideal secure cloud storage solution for collaboration with other users. The Groupware contains three components: mail, calendar, and contacts. You can restrict all of these through access control. Moreover, there is seamless integration with email apps like Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird. The remote wipe feature lets you remove files from another person’s device after the collaboration has come to an end.

Nextcloud Hub portal

Best secure video chat service

The Nextcloud Talk audio and video chat service are perfect for remote collaboration. It also offers self-hosting capabilities to store your files on your own server. Nextcloud Talk is a communication service enabling you to schedule online team meetings and business presentations. Screen sharing and a whiteboard feature are included as well. All calls are end-to-end encrypted.

More teamwork through Collabora Online

Collabora Online is an online office suite that enables users to edit and work together on documents in real time. The suite is available for Standard and Premium subscription users. It is not included in the Basic subscription plan. It offers a range of features, including word processing, spreadsheet editing, and presentation creation. Users can access the suite through their web browser, making it easy to collaborate with colleagues from anywhere in the world.

Secure and versatile cloud storage work

The suite is compatible with a range of file formats, including Microsoft Office and Open Document. This means that users can import and export documents with ease, ensuring seamless collaboration regardless of the software used by team members. In addition to its collaboration features, Collabora Online is also highly secure. The suite uses encryption to protect files and ensure that only authorized users have access to them. With its user-friendly interface and versatile features, it is a powerful tool for any team that needs to work together on documents in real time, making collaboration easy and efficient.

Self-hosting or 3rd party Nextcloud provider

You can opt for a self-hosted configuration, but this comes with some effort to administer your secure cloud storage services. Or you can choose another organization to control your data storage. Most Nextcloud storage providers will present you with three paid plans: Basic, Standard, and Premium. After a guided installation, all are ready to use right out of the box. There are also many third-party apps widely available, but you will need to do your research on any security risks before implementing any of these to make sure you will keep your data secure and private.

More Information on the benefits of using cloud storage

Security and privacy considerations to protect your data

The level of security and privacy for your secure cloud storage largely depends on your choice of self-hosting or a third-party solution. Basic security features include 2-factor authentication, file access control, and server monitoring. More advanced security tools incorporate brute force protection, server-side encryption, and video verification. For now, end-to-end encryption for data at rest is not yet fully implemented on Nextcloud. Data in transfer is protected by SSL / TLS encryption. If you need to make your Nextcloud instance GDPR and HIPAA-compliant, this is extensively documented on Nextcloud.

Nextcloud dashboard example

Regularly backup your files in order to prevent data loss

One way to do this is by utilizing cloud backup services, which store your files on remote servers. With cloud storage, you can access and modify your files from any device with an internet connection. Another way to protect your data is by using file versioning, which allows you to access previous versions of files in case the current version becomes corrupted or lost. It is crucial to protect sensitive data, such as financial or personal information, from being lost or stolen. In addition, backing up your photos and videos ensures that precious memories are not lost in case of a device failure or theft.

Improve security through cloud storage

By storing files in the cloud, you can also benefit from additional storage space and improved security measures. Secure cloud providers invest heavily in their security infrastructure and use encryption technologies to protect user data from cyber threats such as hacking and malware attacks. Utilizing secure cloud storage and file versioning can greatly reduce the risk of data loss and provide peace of mind.

File management and productivity where you stay in control

Nextcloud is a secure cloud storage and file management platform that offers a productivity suite and self-hosting capabilities. Whether you intend to use cloud storage for personal purposes or need storage solutions for businesses, this platform offers one of the best online storage options. By syncing and sharing with other devices, you can stay organized and connected while working. Additionally, the video chat service is an excellent way to keep in touch with friends, clients, or colleagues. Security and privacy considerations should always be attended to when using Nextcloud: built-in monitoring tools and sharing permissions are readily available.

Medium privacy enhancement